Packaging practice

Most food packaging is designed as single use and doesn’t get recycled. From plastics in our waterways to the toxic byproducts of manufacturing, the environmental impact of food packaging is enormous.*

To minimize such impact, we’re implementing 3 ways to reduce waste:

  1. Use reusable packaging as much as possible: glass jars, glass tupperware, high quality plastic containers and reusable bags.

  2. Subscription model allows us to collect packaging when we deliver the next time and continue to recycle the containers.

This will take a little bit more effort from all of us, but we believe these small acts will remind ourselves to be mindful and can make a difference.

Packaging we use


For subscribers:

  • Glass jars

  • Glass tupperware

  • High quality reusable plastic (PP) containers

  • 100% cotton canvas bags

For one-off orders:

  • Recyclable paper food boxes & containers

  • Paper bags

How to return glass containers

Please kindly wash, dry the containers and return the packaging from the previous week’s delivery when we return to deliver starting the 2nd week.

Any feedback or suggestion?

Our packaging practice is an ongoing process of improving and adjusting. Our current practice is the most sustainable and feasible solution for us right now, but we welcome new ideas and suggestions! So if you have any other ideas to improve our packaging practice in a more sustainable direction, we’d love to hear your ideas and implement if it makes sense for our business. Please let us know: hello[at]

