Our story

Personal Chef Berlin began as a way to make people feel good by eating well at home.

Busy modern life demands a lot of energy from us. After a long day, we’re often too tired to cook something nice when we get home. So many resort to food delivery app, take out or processed food.

We believe healthy life starts with eating well at home. We’re here to show people that eating at home can be as exciting and sensational as eating out. There are certain rules at restaurants and establishments like, "you can't put this with that.." or you have to dress a certain way. But at home there are no boundaries. No rules. We all know how it feels to eat good food at home and I want to bring these special memories back with a touch of elegance.


Meet Chi


Hi, my name is Chi.

I’m a personal chef and kimchi maker based in Berlin.

My passion for gourmet food is what ignited me to entrepreneurial spirit to start Personal Chef Berlin. Originally from South Korea, I’ve been fortunate to live in many interesting cities in the world- Seoul, Chicago, Ibiza, Amsterdam, Barcelona and now Berlin. These experiences opened my palate to different ingredients, flavors and food cultures and shaped the cook I am today.


What I know about food made with love- I owe it to my mother. Even though she had a demanding full-time job, she always made sure we have nutritious and lovingly made food at home.

She taught me how food made with love tastes like, how to eat well and share with others. I’m eternally grateful for her love and teaching.

I still have vivid memories of helping my mother with cooking, fermenting and making kimchi. I’m excited to bring what I’ve learned along with these loving memories to my new home, Berlin.

My mission is to connect people with real, wholesome food and inspire healthier community.

By making an extra effort to partner with local suppliers whose practices emphasize quality and responsibility, I believe we are supporting to cultivate healthier individuals, community and food system.

I prepare all my food with heart and soul. Seeing people eat well and feel amazing is the most rewarding part. I’m here to inspire and support my clients and community to eat well and feel their best.